Tuesday, April 23, 2013

::. That Newborn Child .::

On a night the star fell
You were born
In your mother arms
You were crying weakly
Without knowing happiness
Without knowing sadness
With eye innocent as pearl
You are small version of me
A small dear life
Sleeping in mother arms 
Not yet know the meaning of conflagration


Monday, April 22, 2013

::. I wanna go .::

I wanna go to a place where I can say that I'm alright and I'm staying there with you
I wanna know if there could be anyway
There's no fight, safe and sound with you
And every time I look
I thought you were there
But it just my imagination
I don't see it anymore cause I see thru you now
What stopping me? I get stuck again
Is it really OK? It's never OK with me
What got into me? I get lost again
Is it really OK? It's never going to be...


::. Sailor .::

Tell me about sorrow
There's one ship glimmering softly far away
It disappear into wave
In it there is your heart with swirling sorrows on board
Why does it wander the ocean searching for the love that shouldn't  even know about?
But that ship wont wavered
Overcoming the waves it life will go on
Even in starless skies or darkest night
It will overcome your tear and move on...


Sunday, April 21, 2013

::. Sand in the desert don't shift overnight... but they do shift .::

Aku nak berubah kepada lebih baik...
"Cakap pakai mulut bleh arr.."
Sape-sape pun bleh cakap "Aku cinta Allah.. Aku cinta Rasul" tapi pelaksanaan..? Bukti..? Bukan mudah...
Ni nasihat untuk diri sendiri...
Terasa diri ni jauhhh sangat daripada Allah.. Sebab banyak bermaksiat.. Banyak melagha... Tapi kite akan kembali kepada siapa kalau bukan kepada Allah..? Hanya Dia tempat kita kembali..
ALLAH... Matlamat utama hidup kita..."

Sama-sama kita renungkan dan muhasabah...
